by Richard | Mar 17, 2021 | Animal Enterprises, Farm Updates
Here’s an update on the nest box project. While finishing the instalment of the Green Tools TECH prototype, I’ve been looking at little details and thinking about design changes that need to be made before the box could roll out as a commercial product (and be a...
by Richard | Mar 15, 2021 | Animal Enterprises, Farm Updates
In today’s video I’m working on the build of our new professional roll-away nest boxes. They’re made by Green Tools TECH and should cost somewhere between €1,200 and €1,500 once they’re ready for market. I’ll also talk a bit about the bird flu situation and our...
by Richard | Feb 3, 2021 | Animal Enterprises, Farm Updates
The materials we’ll be using to automate our egg-mobiles in collaboration with Bruno and Cathal have finally arrived. I’ll be filming the automation process, as well as some other changes I’ll be making, for you, starting with this video. You can check out...
by Richard | Jan 5, 2021 | Animal Enterprises
Happy New Year! Today I’m updating you on our nest box project. Bruno has been tweaking the design and we think we’re ready to start building the first prototype, which I’ll hopefully be testing throughout 2021, so that we can further improve the design. The beauty of...
by Richard | Dec 18, 2020 | Animal Enterprises, Farm Updates
As you might know, I always have a whole load of projects on the go. Today I wanna tell you about the automated low-cost nest boxes for egg-mobiles that I’m working on with my friend Bruno from Green Tools TECH. I’m funding the rapid prototyping, design and...
by Richard | Nov 19, 2020 | Animal Enterprises, Farm Updates
In yesterday’s video, we broke down 330kg of grass-fed beef for the family freezer, and today we need to pack that in vacuum-sealed packs as well as mince and cut up meat for stewing. It’s a lot of work, but then again it’s really not when you consider that it’s...